“Our goal for Heights Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics is to bring both of those together. It’s mostly a convenience factor for parents and kids to have one place to come.”

— Dr. Drew Darsey

At Heights Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics you get the convenience of having both dental and ortho in the same facility. This benefits families in many ways and saves parents time booking two different doctors for their child. The practice caters to kids, but also includes adults and people with special needs.




BDC  provides dentistry for children of all ages! Our dentists and orthodontist provide convenient, preventative care that specifically meets the needs of children from newborns on up. We understand that you or your child may feel anxious about visiting the dentist. We are sensitive to your needs, and it is our goal to make you feel comfortable visiting our practice while providing the best care possible. We strive to make dentistry fun and affordable for the entire family. Your child’s first visit is all about them – their comfort, happiness, and their health.




The eruption of your child’s first teeth typically begin around six months of age. But even prior to their first tooth eruption, a good habit to get into is cleaning their gums. A clean, wet washcloth rubbed across their gums is all you need. Infant dental care is very important to the future health of your child’s mouth and teeth.



Usually in between six to nine months you will notice your little one beginning to teeth. Common signs are excessive drooling, crankiness, rubbing their face (primarily eyes, cheek and ears), swollen gums and consistent urge to chew. They tend to have a culmination of the above all at once. Nap and bed time aren’t quite so fun during this stage.


Tooth decay is the most common disease found in children in the USA currently. When an infant is exposed to liquids containing sugar (formula, milk, fruit juices) for a prolonged period of time, the sugars adhere to the infant’s teeth and tooth decay can set in. Think of giving your baby a bottle to go to bed with. The sugars from the formula pool around their teeth all night while they sleep. Try to keep sugary fruit juices to a minimum, don’t let them go to bed with a bottle in their mouth, practice good home oral care and keep up with you six month dental check-ups to try and keep this disease at bay.


Even though primary teeth are temporary, they can still get cavities and if left untreated can spread from tooth to tooth. Even spreading from a baby tooth to a permanent tooth. Primary or baby teeth are important for developing speech, help with nutrition, self-confidence and set the stage for permanent teeth. Primary teeth help guide permanent teeth into the correct spaces and if taken care of can help avoid or lessen orthodontic work down the road. It’s important to begin taking your child to the dentist by their first birthday. Learn more about what to expect at your kid’s first dental visit with BDC






BDC recommend children be seen by their first birthday. Also, if your child is well past one years old, don’t be embarrassed! The most important thing is getting them in for their exam as dental issues can begin to take place quickly.



The first dental visit is a great way to begin building a long-lasting, trusting relationship with your  new dentist. We will sit down with you and your child and begin by having an open conversation with you about what your questions, concerns and goals are for your little ones oral health. We will discuss prevention, fluoride, home care, teething, nutrition and what to expect in your child’s developing mouth.


We also want to make dental visits enjoyable, fun and a learning experience for them. Our  dentists will show them around the office and introduce dentistry in an extremely fun and gentle way.


Once we’ve discussed what to expect, we will perform an oral exam, take x-rays if necessary, check for tooth decay and inspect developing teeth. If we believe we need to address any issues we will discuss this with you at this time.


Although your child may cry, this is normal behavior when children are put into unknown situations. Please do not be alarmed. We are all trained to help fearful or anxious children through their dental experience. As your child matures, we hope to encourage his or her independence and promote self-esteem.

We will treat your child as our own and perform the dental treatment in the easiest and safest way possible.

We look forward to your first visit


We understand the dental office or anything new for that matter can bring anxiety. If parents have anxiety around dental offices themselves, it’s important to not show this to your children. They can easily pick up on this and end up with a lifetime of dental anxiety as well. Prior to the visit use positive, stress free language about the dental office. Speak to how it will be kid-friendly and try to build excitement! Let them know they’ll leave with a sparkling smile!

Please discuss the positive aspects of dentistry with your child. Try to act relaxed and at ease. You can explain that the pediatric dentist will count and take “pictures” of your child’s teeth.

Please do not tell your child that the dentist will not hurt because this may have never entered his or her mind. Instead, reassure your child that the pediatric dentist will be friendly, gentle and fun. Also, avoid using words such as the needle, shot, pull, or other words that could create anxiety. We will explain our procedures in ways that your child can understand and will work to decrease any fear or anxiety they may have. For example, we call the suction device “Mr. Thirsty” and local anesthesia “sleepy juice.”

A common problem that children face is being fearful about coming to the dentist because they are unsure about what will happen. It is normal to be scared of the unknown, and we work with kids every day to help them feel more comfortable so that they can establish a positive relationship with a dentist. This will lead to better oral hygiene as they get older.

There are several things we do to help kids feel more comfortable. When patients arrive in the office, there are plenty of games and toys for them to play with. We also don’t rush the patients into treatment. Some kids take a while to warm up to our staff and the idea of having someone work in their mouth. We talk with the kids and get to know them. When they are in the treatment areas, we show them what we will be doing and use wording that they will understand.


kids treatments


BDC provides dental cleanings and exams to children of all ages. A dental cleaning is when  dentist cleans the buildup of tartar and plaque off of your child’s teeth. They then follow this up with typically a fluoride treatment and flossing. This helps to prevent cavities, decay and gum disease from taking place. A dental exam will then take place where our dentists will check the overall health of the mouth and gums. We recommend visiting  dentist every six months for a check-up.



BDC  performs fluoride treatments to help protect children’s teeth from cavities and tooth decay. Fluoride is critical during the time of primary and permanent teeth development. This is usually between the ages of six months to 18 years old. But first…


Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral in much of our water and food. Fluoride protects the enamel of our teeth. The enamel of our teeth lose and gain minerals every day. We lose minerals due to acids attacking the tooth’s enamel, this is from sugary substances and plaque. We gain minerals such as calcium and phosphate from our food, water and saliva. When calcium and phosphate are striped it leaves the teeth more vulnerable to decay. While we are young, we tend to not have enough fluoride to protect our enamel coming from our food and water. During the infant to young adult stages we perform fluoride treatments typically every six months. This is adjusted on an individual basis. Fluoride over time makes our teeth more resistant to attacks on our enamel and can even reverse early tooth decay.


Our dentists will let you know when and how often your child will need fluoride treatments. Fluoride can be applied as a varnish, foam or gel and comes in a variety of flavors to help make it fun for your child. Treatment is very quick. After fluoride treatment we ask no eating or drinking for a minimum of 30 minutes. This ensures the teeth are able to absorb the fluoride.



We want to make your child’s smile last a lifetime and dental sealants for kids can do an incredible job at helping keep cavities at bay. Dental sealants are a thin coating of plastic that is applied to the chewing surface of the tooth. This sealant blocks debris from getting trapped in the grooves and crevices of the teeth. Children are much more prone to cavities and this is a preventative measure that can help save your child from pain and you from costly procedures down the road.


Dental sealants cannot be seen and when combined with good oral care at home and six month dental check-ups, tooth decay has a hard time setting in.



Whether your child is suffering from mouth pain or the dentist informs you that your child has tooth decay, it’s never a fun topic to discuss. But, it happens! If caught early enough, sometimes a dental cleaning, fluoride treatment, good oral hygiene and proper nutrition can be enough to have the enamel repair itself. If the decay has progressed too far it will now become a cavity. Cavities are decayed areas that develop into tiny holes that will need to be filled to prevent further damage.



  • Brush twice a day and floss once a day
  • Limit sugary substances
  • Keep up with your child’s six month dental cleanings
  • Have your dentist apply dental sealantsprevious to decay
  • Healthy, nutritious diet
  • Fluoride dental treatments and toothpaste
  • No smoking (yes, unfortunately we have to remind kids of this too)

Some parents become frustrated with these tips. This is because either their kids are small and they are diligent about the above or their kids are old enough to take care of their teeth and they believe they do a great job. And, they may be right. Unfortunately, genetics, shape of teeth, parent’s dental history and general body chemistry all come into play when we discuss cavities. As a parent, don’t stress if you feel this is you. Take control of what you can – hygiene and diet and the rest can be handled with good dental care.


BDC  provides tooth colored dental fillings for children of all ages. Once decay has settled into the tooth, it will need to be removed so that it does not spread. If we catch this early enough, we can often avoid a toothache for your child. Once the decay is removed and the area is cleaned we will place a mercury-free filling for your child. Your child does not need to be embarrassed by having metal in their mouth. Previously, silver or amalgam fillings were used in children but we now use tooth-colored fillings which work just as well and provide better aesthetics. No one will notice they had a cavity and hopefully we can keep their self-esteem intact.

5 Pediatric Pulpotomy (Baby Tooth Root Canal)

pulpotomy is the removal of an inflamed pulp chamber in a child’s tooth that has been compromised due to untreated cavities and decay.  Bacteria must be removed from the pulp chamber inside the child’s tooth in order to prevent or alleviate an abscess or infection.  A pulpotomy is commonly referred to as a “baby tooth root canal.”


In many cases, your child’s dentist will recommend the placement of a stainless steel or tooth-colored crown over the tooth to ensure it is safe, stable, and protected from food particles and bacteria.

The pulpotomy procedure is very common, very routine and can often be completed in conjunction with other dental treatment such as fillings, in order to minimize the number of times your child will need to return to the office for treatment.

Once the procedure is complete, it is essential to maintain an effective oral hygiene routine for your child, as well as bring them  for regular checkup and cleaning visits to monitor the status of the treated tooth, and prevent future decay and reduce the need for additional dental treatment.


6 Crowns

Stainless steel crowns are silver caps that cover the whole tooth. Porcelain crowns are tooth colored. Dental crowns for children are generally completed in one visit, and will usually last until the tooth falls out at around the age of 12.

Often, if a 2-surface filling is used to restore a first baby molar, the tooth may decay again or the dental filling may break due to the shape of the tooth. If that occurs, the tooth may need a stainless steel crown or to be extracted and treated with space maintenance. That would mean the child would have to go through an extra procedure and the parent would pay for treatment of the same tooth twice! Our goal is to restore the health of the tooth for longevity. We place crowns on first baby molars that have decay in between the teeth, or on teeth which are too damaged to be repaired with fillings.

  • Less expensive in the long term. Crowns are less likely to fail and need additional work, which can save money.
  • Completed in a single visit.
  • Tooth-colored options for patients concerned about aesthetics.


Early orthodontic


Many people mistakenly believe that the work of an orthodontist cannot begin until all child’s adult teeth are present. But to give your child the best prospect of a beautiful smile, this simply isn’t the case….The  Association of Orthodontists recommends that children should attend their first orthodontic check-up by the age of seven. At BDC we also believe in early treatment for children.  The teeth may appear straight, but underlying problems could easily be present with jaw growth issues and emerging teeth while some baby teeth are still in place. Requent monitoring of the child’s growth and development helps avoid major treatment later, and ensures that any necessary work will be recommended at the appropriate time.

Two types of children’s orthodontic treatment: 

Interceptive treatment (Early Treatment or Phase 1 treatment):  this is early treatment aimed to prevent or intercept more serious problems. Delivered between the ages of 7 and 10 ( for some case like crossbite it is even better to see the child earlier at 5 years old), treatment typically lasts between 10 and 18 months. It often makes later treatment much less complicated. Phase 1 treatment. We will use various removable appliance like palatal expander, Headgear, Twin biock, Face mask…  to helps us to:

  • Guide jaw growth
  • Reduce the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth
  • Improve appearance
  • Guide permanent teeth into a more favourable position
  • Create a more pleasing arrangement of teeth, lips and face
  • Comprehensive treatment (Phase 2 treatment) :  this is usually carried out when the jaws and face have finished growing, typically commencing from the age of 11. Phase II treatment may be less complex due to the benefits of the earlier treatment phase I. Most commonly children wear fixed braces for a period of 12-36 months, depending on the complexity of their bite. Retainers are fitted to ensure a long-lasting smile.


Habit Breaking Appliances

Habits like thumb sucking, finger biting, nail biting, lip biting, mouth breathing, tongue thrusting etc.,have been proved to have deleterious effect on  jaw teeth relationship and also hamper the facial appearance of the child.

Habit breaking appliances is made by a dentist to combat the above mentioned habits in children. They can be either a fixed or removable type.

If these habits are continued for a prolonged period of time that can result in gum disease, change in position of teeth and change in shape of the jaws.

. whenever the habit is first noticed it is better to consult BDC, They will  give suggestions depending upon the habits and make appliances as and when needed

Serial extractions:

Serial extraction is the planned, sequential extraction of teeth.
The purpose of serial extraction is to reduce crowding.
Crowding occurs when there is not enough space for all the teeth. This results in the teeth becoming irregular or crooked.
With serial extraction, space is created for the growing permanent teeth. This allows the permanent teeth to be better aligned.

As a general guideline, the child needs to be seen by the dentist about every 3 months.
This way, the growth can be monitored and extractions can be done in a timely manner to
minimize crowding.

Serial extraction begins at an early age to prevent or minimize the effects of crowding.
In mild cases of crowding, treatment with braces may not be needed.
In more severe cases, alignment of the teeth can be improved further with braces.
Often, because serial extraction had been done, treatment with braces would be simpler
and shorter.



Pediatric Space Maintainers

A space maintainer is a common pediatric dental treatment option.  It is an appliance that is custom-made by a dentist or orthodontist in acrylic or metal material. It can be either removable or cemented in a child’s mouth. The job of a space maintainer is to keep the space between two or more baby teeth open to allow the permanent tooth to erupt and come into place.

Space maintainers are an important treatment option for children because they can help reduce or even eliminate the need for future orthodontic work such as braces later on in your child’s life.





Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas) and Conscious Sedation for Children (HIGHLIGHT SOMEWHERE)

Nitrous Oxide, also known as “laughing gas,” is a safe and effective conscious sedation technique used to help both adults and children feel relaxed, relieve dental anxiety, and help make certain dental procedures easy and stress-free for patients. Nitrous oxide may also be used in combinations with other sedative agents.  Nitrous oxide is perhaps the safest sedative in dentistry and is well tolerated by most patients. It has a rapid onset, is reversible, can be adjusted in various concentrations and is non-allergenic. The patient remains fully conscious and maintains all natural reflexes when breathing nitrous oxide/oxygen.  




Frequently Asked Questions

My child has cavities, but aren’t these baby teeth just going to fall out anyway?  What’s the point of treating them?

Baby teeth are very important to normal dental development in children. They help to hold space and guide adult teeth into place. Not treating dental caries in children can result in toothaches, pain, possible infection, and even medical emergencies. Teeth that are not treated will need to be extracted, resulting in premature loss.

Premature loss of baby teeth can cause adult teeth to grow in crooked and can affect your child’s ability to eat and breathe, as well their self esteem as they get older. Orthodontic treatment such as braces may be required. The best course of action is to maintain an effective oral hygiene routine at home, and to bring your child for necessary dental treatment to help them have a healthy smile for life.

When should I start flossing my child’s teeth?

We recommend flossing your child’s teeth as soon as they will tolerate (hold still for) it.  The age range varies a bit, as each child is different, but usually by age 3 you can regularly floss your child’s teeth.  Children love to imitate what they see, so demonstrating how brushing and flossing works and talking about how important it is to have healthy teeth can help encourage your child to want to floss.

My child’s adult teeth look darker or more yellow than the baby teeth!  Why?

Baby teeth often come in lighter in color than permanent teeth, so sometimes parents may worry that the permanent teeth look more ivory or yellow compared to the baby teeth.  Both baby teeth and permanent teeth can be very sharp, especially at first.  This is normal and helps them to erupt through the gums.  This is especially true of the second set, or permanent teeth.  The sharp or serrated edges on anterior (front) permanent teeth are called “mamelons.”  However, discoloration of a tooth or teeth can be a sign


Kids Emergency AND EDUCATION


No parent ever wants to see their child in pain.  However, pediatric dental emergencies can sometimes occur.  Here are some of the most common, as well as steps to follow to resolve the issue and have the best possible outcome.


Toothaches are common in children of all ages and rarely occur without cause.  If pain persists, contact BDC for next steps.  Some common causes of toothache include: tooth fractures, tooth decay, tooth trauma, and wisdom teeth eruption (adolescence).

How you can help:

  1. Cleanse the area using warm water.  Do not medicate or warm the affected tooth or adjacent gum area.
  2. Check for impacted food and remove it as necessary using a clean finger, dental floss or a toothbrush.
  3. Apply a cold compress to the affected area to reduce swelling.
  4. Contact BDC to seek advice.

Knocked Out Tooth (Dental Avulsion)

If a tooth has been knocked-out of the child’s mouth completely, it is important to contact BDC  immediately because time is an important factor in saving and reimplantation of a tooth.  In general, dentists do not attempt to reimplant avulsed primary (baby) teeth, because the reimplantation procedure itself can cause damage to the tooth bud, and thereby damage the emerging permanent tooth.

Your child’s dentist will always try to reimplant an adult tooth that has been knocked out, unless the trauma has caused irreparable damage.  The reimplantation procedure is almost always more successful if it is performed within one hour of the avulsion.

How you can help:

  1. Recover the tooth.  Do not touch the tooth roots! Handle the crown only.
  2. Gently rinse off dirt and debris with water.  Do not scrub or scrape the tooth.
  3. For older children, insert the tooth into its original socket using gentle pressure, or encourage the child to place the tooth in the cheek pouch.  For younger children, place the tooth in a glass of milk or saliva.  Do not try to put the tooth back in a young child’s mouth, as they may swallow it.
  4. Keep the tooth wet during transportation.  Moisture is critically important for reimplantation success.
  5. You can visit BDC.

Dental Intrusion (tooth pushed into jawbone)

Sometimes, dental trauma forces a tooth (or several teeth) upwards into the jawbone.  Oftentimes, the force of the trauma is great enough to injure the tooth’s ligament and fracture its socket.

If you suspect or observe that dental intrusion has occurred, it is important to CONTACT BDC as soon as possible.  Depending on the nature and depth of the intrusion, your child’s dentist will either wait for the tooth to descend naturally, or perform root canal therapy to preserve the structure of the tooth.

How you can help:

  1. Rinse the child’s mouth with cold water.
  2. Place ice packs around affected areas to reduce swelling.
  3. Offer a pediatrician-approved pain relief such as Tylenol
  4. You can visit BDC

Tooth Displacement (Luxation, Extrusion)

Tooth displacement is generally classified as “luxation,” “extrusion,” or “lateral displacement,” depending on how the tooth is angled after the trauma.  A luxated tooth remains in the socket with the pulp intact some of the time.  However, the tooth protrudes at an unnatural angle and the underlying jawbone is oftentimes fractured.

The term “extrusion” refers to a tooth that has become partly removed from its socket.  In young children, primary tooth extrusions tend to heal themselves without medical treatment.  However, dental treatment should be sought for permanent teeth that have been displaced in any manner in order to save the tooth and prevent infection.  It is important to contact the pediatric dentist if displacement is suspected.

How you can help:

  1. Place a cold, moist compress on the affected area.
  2. Offer a pediatrician approved pain relief such as Tylenol
  3. You can visit BDC

Broken Tooth (Crown Fracture)

The crown is the largest, most visible part of the tooth.  In most cases, the crown is the part of the tooth that sustains trauma.

Your dentist at BDC can readily assess the severity of the fracture using dental X-rays, but any change in tooth color (for example, pinkish or yellowish tinges inside the tooth) is an emergency warning sign.  Minor crown fractures may require the application of dental sealant, whereas more severe crown fractures sometimes require pulp treatments.  Jagged enamel can irritate and inflame soft oral tissues, causing infection.

How you can help:

  1. Rinse the child’s mouth with warm water.
  2. Place a cold, moist compress on the affected area.
  3. Offer a pediatrician approved pain relief such as Tylenol
  4. Pack the tooth with a material that can be near a tooth but will eventually break down, such as a wet paper towel.
  5. You can visit BDC

Root Fracture

A root fracture is caused by direct trauma, and isn’t noticeable to the naked eye.  If a root fracture is suspected, dental x-rays need to be taken.  Depending on the exact positioning of the fracture and the child’s level of discomfort, the tooth can be monitored, treated, or extracted as a worst case scenario.

How you can help:

  1. Place a cold, moist compress on the affected area.
  2. Offer a pediatrician approved pain relief such as PARACETAMOL
  3. CONTACT BDC for instructions and next steps.

Dental Concussion

A tooth that has not been dislodged from its socket or fractured, but has received a bang or knock, can be described as “concussed.”  Typically occurring in toddlers, dental concussion can cause a tooth to discolor permanently or temporarily.  Unless the tooth turns black or dark (indicating that the tooth is dying and may require root canal therapy), dental concussion does not require emergency treatment.





As a parent, you want the best for your kids. Your instinct to protect and care for your kids means you make sure they wear a seatbelt, wash their hands, and brush their teeth. Most people know that there are certain foods that should be avoided because of their harmfulness to teeth. But did you know there are foods that are good for teeth?


These are naturally-occurring chemicals which fight off harmful bacteria. Less bacterial growth in the mouth means less build-up of plaque and tartar.


Oranges have an extremely high Vitamin C content. Vitamin C plays an important role in the makeup of connective tissues, such as those found in the gums. Strong gums support the teeth and maintain strong bone structure.


Munching on crunchy foods is an excellent way to keep teeth strong. Chewing crunchy foods is a great way to help the tissue in the jaw stay dense and resilient, while the carrot fibers help clean the teeth. They are also high in vitamin C, f& phosphorus, one of the components of the bone tissue found in teeth.


Known as an excellent source of calcium, milk helps bones to grow strong.


These tart little berries have polyphenols, a compound which discourages the build-up of plaque.


Making sure your kids drink water helps in many different ways. Water rinses away sugars and bacteria. It is gentle and natural, and very accessible. Free of sugars and added chemicals, water is an excellent choice as a go-to drink for your kids.



The Dangers of Excess Sugar Consumption in Kids

·        TOOTH DECAY

The human mouth is filled with bacteria that feed off of the simple sugars in the foods that you eat. As these bacteria grow and multiply, they create acids that erode dental enamel and toxins that inflame gum tissue, causing problems like dental decay, pain, swelling, and even childhood gingivitis. The more sugar your child consumes, the faster these bacteria can cause damage. To prevent tooth decay, parents should be focused on limiting sugar and improving daily oral hygiene routines—whisking away plaque and bacteria.


Tips for Limiting Your Kid’s Sugar Intake


In order to keep your kids from eating sugary foods, focus on keeping it out of your house. Avoid the cookie and candy aisle in the store, and don’t keep ice cream in the freezer. Instead, keep ingredients for cookies and cakes around the house, and make them for special occasions only.


When your child eats less sugar, they will enjoy foods that are naturally sweeter like fresh fruits. To satisfy your child’s sweet tooth without offering cookies or candy, keep fresh sliced or peeled fruit in individual containers in the fridge.


Your child might love juice, but it might be fueling their addiction to sugar.



If your child has tooth decay caused by sugar, don’t panic. The Children’s Dental Center offers a wide range of restorative dentistry techniques in addition to preventive dentistry like sealants, which can help return your child to dental health. Schedule your child’s next checkup today.


Packing Healthy Lunches

1.   As you get up in the morning and hurry to get the kids off to school on time, you want to be sure that they are getting healthy nutrition for the day. Packing healthy lunches, or instructing your kids on making healthy food choices, can help your child get off on the right foot during the start of the school year. BE SURE TO INCLUDE PROTEIN

Don’t over pack with carbs but include snacks like yogurt that also include 5 to 7 grams of protein.


Here are a few foods that have been food to promote healthy teeth and mouth. Some of these include: cheese, yogurt, leafy greens, apples, carrots, celery, and almonds.


Fruit-based snacks can be easy to find. They are also sweet so kids tend to like to eat them. But, be sure to include vegetables as well as children need the nutrients they posses.


Contact Us for more suggestions to promote your child’s health and oral hygiene. We are happy to provide more information or schedule a check-up for your child.